#pubg_ios not working pubg not starting || all ios users game crash || ios maintaince pubg || pubg ban ? || pubg mobile || - duration: 0:12 rockz gaming 633 views new. Pubg iphone not working. A pubg mobile gamer who calls himself atmostfears says that the game’s user interference is not working well on iphone xs max “@powerbanggaming hey there- if you have any contact with the @pubgmobile dev’s will you let them know the ui is not working properly on the iphone xs max.
pubg iphone not working
Question: q: pubg not working?? pubg is not starting or launching on iphone x, i have restarted my phone and have done everything but it is not working can anyone help ???? more less posted on sep 22, 2018 1:47 am. Pubg mobile mic not working for android & ios devices : pubg mobile from tencent games has, in a very less time, become a worldwide hit and gaming enthusiasts from all over the world are enjoying the game on their ios as well as android devices.but! it is a software in itself and is bound to suffer from bugs and glitches periodically.. Solve pubg mobile voice chat and microphone not issues in android and ios. now, the methods aren’t fixed in stone. they are just something that worked for us. so, try all of them and see what works for you. right off, make sure your data/wifi is fast. there really is no point playing pubg on a slow internet connection..