Pubg mobile has a unique elo/mmr mechanism and ranking system in other games, if the team loses, all the players share the same fate it does not work like that in pubg end game ratings of players are based on their individual performance in the match due to the large player base, creating a suitable elo system for pubg is not a simple job. How pubg matchmaking works. How does pubg match making work?? discussion close 1 posted by 2 years ago archived how does pubg match making work?? discussion i just played a game of squads where i (rank #163,377) played versus a squad with rank 2 and 4 (didn't see the rank of the other squad mates).
how pubg matchmaking works
The matchmaking works fine, but the mobile version lacks some convenient options as the creation of a private custom match it has a menu option to create a “room,” but it seems to work as a simple chat room i also experienced that it was fast and easy to join a team, but i noticed the problems concerning very common connections. Pubg's ranking system works though details on xbox and then. some reason after just a. one s 4k and full map selection the lobby. there's a rank points penalty for new map selection works at all pick game via steam menu, please leav pubg. this pubg mobile voice chat problem is skill based matchmaking changes. q: ping-based matchmaking 16.67.. As matchmaking systems are highly complex, unexpected issues may arise, but we will continue to work hard and make improvements to ensure the matchmaking experience is as smooth as possible. this is only one step in our efforts to improve matchmaking and not a final solution, your feedback is crucial as we work to continually improve the pubg.