If you decide to play on pc, the best pubg mobile controller is the xbox one wireless controller this has been a staple console controller for years, and if you don’t already have one you can. Best pubg controller for mobile. Today i have the wasp 2 elite edition from flydigi this is a one-handed and best pubg mobile controller for ios and android devices the gamepad is specially designed for pubg game players following the unboxing and setup guide for pubg mobile controller.
best pubg controller for mobile
The default playstation 4 gaming controller, the dualshock 4, is widely considered as the best console controller out in the market today but, as it turns out, the dualshock 4, which improves on a design that’s been in use for more than two decades, is also good for mobile games such as pubg mobile as well. Enumerating the optimum sensitivity settings in pubg mobile for a smoother game-play. with these settings, you can control the recoil in a much better manner.. 8 best gamepad for mobile