The pubg v090 introduces is a night mode that is available in the classic version of the game this feature was awaited by many players pubg has remained on the number one position when we talk about action and shooting games we all know that developers keep on introducing new things in the game in order to maintain the interest of the gamers. Download pubg mobile night mode. Pubg mobile zombies darkest night mode is finally available in the newest update 0120 download and check it out right now for new alterations.
download pubg mobile night mode
Pubg mobile 090 update: night mode, halloween theme and more new features coming to pubg mobile 090 include night mode in erangel map night mode will be turned on randomly in-game in celebration of halloween, pubg mobile will get a new halloween theme on spawn island the island will be filled with candies and pumpkins. For a good visual experience, turn off the night mode and increase the brightness of your smartphone. gameplay and control. the classic mode of pubg mobile is reserved for 100 players. the map and the length of the game size can be controlled by gamers. download pubg mobile on nox.. Pubg mobile halloweeks. download on the app store apk download apk size: 636 mb download time: [5 minute] sliding. improvements. halloween vehicle upgrade night mode has been added to erangel. matches will start in daylight then transition into the night before becoming bright again. use night vision goggles effectively to hunt in the.